Low data regime

Jekyll-Fresh is a port of the Fresh landing one-page theme of CSS Ninja to Jekyll. The theme is easily customizable, and can be published straight from GitHub, thanks to GitHub Pages. All you have...

Un déficit commercial qui ne cesse de se creuser Le Bénin a une balance commerciale déficitaire, et pas des moindres… Alors que la valeur monétaire des importations augmente exponentiellement chaq...

D3IpyPlus is an attempt to incorporate D3 interactive viz into an IPython Notebook. The main objective here is to take advantage of Jupyter’s interface which enables manipulation of the DOM, to bui...

Benchmarking phylogenetic algorithms often required the availability of a dataset of true evolutionary histories. As these true histories are hardly known, we rely instead on simulated datasets. In...

Bénin, autrefois «quartier latin» de l’Afrique, titre dont certains se pavanent encore fièrement… à tort… Eh oui, elle est bien loin cette époque. Et pour preuve, les résultats du bac n’ont plus j...

Ukkonen’s Algorithm for generalized suffix tree in javascript, using d3js for visualization : SuffixTreeJS This post will be short. Last year, I was a teaching assistant for a course about “Algor...

If you work with trees (phylogenetics or not) and you regularly use python, you have probably used or heard about one of the following packages: Bio.phylo, dendropy or ETE. While each one of those...

I was working on a project where I needed to compare categorical data in order to determine if there is any association between them. For my particular problem, a chi2 test wouldn’t work, so I need...

2016 is near, and like any new year it comes with taking new resolutions. This year I decided to : be more organised make and participate in exciting projects. I have always wanted to make...